Fish Mandi

The 10 Best Arabian Dish Mandi in 2024

Arabian Dish Mandi is a traditional dish originated from Hadhramaut Yemen, It is a desi cuisine filled with special types of spices, rice, and meat cooked in a pit. Mandi makes you feel alive and loved. 

Ever wondered, do we live to eat food or do we eat food to live? Well, when it comes to Arabian dish Mandi it must be we live to eat Food as Mandi. Arabian Dish Mandi is a dish with all the taste you crave. 

There are three main types of mandi originally Mutton Madfoon, Mutton Mandi, and Chicken Madbee but now many similar Arabian Mandi dishes are being introduced. 

If you want to eat a traditional mouth-watering food with the best taste, Arabian Dish Mandi is the best choice.

Top 10 Best Arabian Dish Mandi 2024

  1. Mutton Mandi
  2. Mutton Madfoon
  3. Chicken Madbee 
  4. Ruz Bukhari
  5. Kabsa
  6. Chicken Mandi
  7. Arabian Laham Mandi
  8. Camel Mandi
  9. Fish Mandi
  10. Mugalgal Mandi

1. Mutton Mandi

Mutton Mandi is a traditional Arabian dish mandi. It is usually cooked at special events like Eid-ul-Adzah or different festivals. Mutton mandi is an aromatic fragrant rice with a tempting meat taste. The meat is marinated with low spices as mutton mandi is usually not eaten with many spices but still is preferred at almost every festival. 

Also, you can garnish it according to your taste. Then a special mandi sauce is prepared and laid out on the meat gently. You can grill it in a preheated oven until it’s golden brown. Now it’s time for the most awaited ingredient rice. You can make vegetable rice according to your taste. Before serving it to the guest make sure you give it a smoky taste through coal which will help to enhance the taste of the dish.

Mutton Mandi

2. Mutton Madfoon

Mutton madfoon is a signature Arabian dish. It is cooked underground in a hole with sand and charcoal in its surroundings. To make mutton madfoon mandi few types of organic spices are mixed with lemon water garlic paste and green chilli paste. Then put deep cuts on your mutton and spread it over the meat then marinate it in foil paper for almost 6-8 hours.

 Fry your meat in a big pot with oil, onion, and some water, and cook until it is tender. Now garnish mandi masala with oil and put it in the oven until it gets brown. Till then cook your rice with mandi masala and other species in the end add some dry fruits over it place your meat at its top and steam it for 10 mins then for some smoky taste you can put charcoal with butter on a foil paper cup and delicious mutton midfoot is ready to be served

Mutton Madfoon

3. Chicken Madbhee

Chicken madhbi is an old traditional Yemeni dish. Which was used to grill hot stones under the sun. But now it can be cooked in the oven or by giving steam in a pot with some coal, for a mouthwatering taste.

First, a special Arabic masala is prepared then some deep cuts on chicken legs so that the spices can make it juicy in the end the Arabic masala is sprinkled with other species and marinated for about 1-2 hours. After a while when the chicken is ready, you can cook your rice with some organic spices. Now you can serve them on your dish with some extra presentation or with salad to enhance the taste of your dish.

Chicken Madbee

4. Ruz Bukhari

Riz Bukhari is the most famous dish in Saudi Arabia. It is also considered as their national dish because the name ” Bukhari” is derived from ” Bukhara” a prominent point on the Silk Road, which was the center of trade, culture, and religion. 

To make Ruz Bukhari, first, you need to make Al Faham chicken, which is a special type of Arabic spice that is made for Ruz Bukhari by mixing several organic spices. After that put deep cuts on your chicken with its skin but make sure the chicken is washed perfectly. Then marinate it overnight in the refrigerator. After it’s marination grill it from both sides over the coals for about 18-20 mins. 

Next, it’s time for rice, which is cooked with special organic spices including sliced carrots, tomato paste, and dried lemon to enhance its fragrance as the rice water is ready, add your rice and cook for about 15-20 mins until they are perfectly cooked. Serve it on your dish with the meat over the top with some coriander leaves or lemon slices.

Ruz Bukhari

5. Kabsa ( Majboos)

Kabsa mandi is a special Arabic mandi. It is mostly eaten in Saudi Arabia. To make the Kabsa mandi, first, you need to mix several organic spices in a pot with water, then add your meat and boil it until it’s cooked. Now add tomato paste and stir it for almost 5 min. 

After that, take out the meat and spread some tomato sauce over it then add the rice in the same pot with the same water filled with spices. Now cook it for about 20 minutes until it’s boiled. Now you can serve your rice in your dish and the meat over it with some garnishing.


6. Chicken Mandi

Chicken mandi is one of the most popular Arabian mandi dishes. The main thing that makes mandi different from other meat dishes is that the meat is cooked in a pot named Tannour. The chicken is dipped in various spices and marinated for approximately 4 hours. 

After that rice is cooked professionally and the chicken is placed over the pot of rice so that its juices can drip down in the pot. It is cooked in an underground oven with coals which gives it a smoky taste with mouthwatering flavored rice. In the end, you can serve it on your dish with some extra coriander leaves or your favorite toppings for your family or friends.

Chicken Mandi

7. Arabian Laham Mandi

Arabian Laham Mandi is an Arabian dish cooked in tandoor. First, the pieces of meat or chicken are boiled with spices until they tender and then they are placed in Tandoor to be cooked properly. After that basmati rice is made with spices in the form of Mandi rice and once it is done, the Rice is placed on a metal platter topped with the tandoori cooked meat and topped with cashews, nuts and Almonds and then preheated with charcoal for smokey touch. Arabian Laham Mandi is a dish made on special occasions that adds more flavor to the table.

8. Camel Mandi

Camel meat mandi is an Arabian mandi dish that is usually cooked in Arab sites. Camel meat is widely famous in Saudi Arabia. They usually prefer camel meat mandi on Eid-ul-Adha. Its meat is softly roasted and cooked with various spices. It is cooked in a desi style. First, they add some oil in a pot with some garlic paste, onion, and cloves then they add the meat and let it fry for 4-5 mins together with some spices and tomato paste, now add some water and boil until the meat is soft and tender. Now add rice and boil until cooked. You can serve your rice on your dish with some garnishing and a big chunk of camel meat on top with nuts and almonds for a mouth-watering taste. 

9.Fish Mandi

Fish Mandi is a finger-licking Arabian dish with a complete grilled fish topped on a mandi rice platter. First, roast all the spices including Safran, and powder them, then fry almonds and cashews. Marinate the fish properly with deep cuts and after some hours fry the fish and make white mandi rice filled with authentic spices. Once fish and rice are ready, dish out mandi rice, garnish it with fried almonds, and then put fish in the middle of the platter and serve delicious hot mandi to your family.

Fish Mandi

10.Mugalgal Mandi

Mugalgal Mandi is an Arabian dish made of chicken cubes cooked with original Arabian spices and sauces. It is then mixed with chopped vegetables including onion capsicums and tomatoes. Mandi is never complete without rice, therefore make mandi rice of your choice or vegetable rice and garnish it with seasonings and coriander, and mouth-watering mugalgal mandi is ready to eat with authentic taste.

Mugalgal Mandi


Arabian dish mandi is irresistible, it has everything you crave, juicy tender meat indulged with spices and topped with peanuts. Arabian dish mandi is the best choice to eat with family and friends. 

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